Bad [Bitch] Habits

Dedication. Heart. Hustle. Accountability. All incredibly valuable and necessary traits for all bad ass boss babes!

And as bosses— we know that we are what we do (not just what we say)! 💃🏻

And the best way to be a boss bitch, is to do boss things on the daily. 💯

Start with these bad bitch habits-

1. Accountability

For some, the mention of accountability makes them shudder.

Life, and biz, will often put us into circumstances that are beyond our control. Your success doesn’t need to rest in the hands of others.

If you rely on others to save you, you are paralyzed in a world of victimization. You’ll struggle to think creatively, clearly, or quickly.

Instead, you should be taking charge of your circumstances, whatever those may be.

You shouldn’t feel that being true to your goals, and yourself, is a chore.

Accountability is your gift to yourself. 🎁

It is a mindset that you have set and will guarantee your success — not something that you have to shove down your own throat.

2. Plan for Success📝

With every dream, must come a plan. If you desire success, understand that it won’t just happen.

You need to actually sit down regularly and work out the strategy you will require to achieve that success. Consider every detail, every step that will lead you to success.

You must also accept that those plans may need to change from time to time and altered to fit in with reality, this should not be viewed as failure, but as a smart strategy to reach goals.

3. Believe In + Expect Your Success⚡️

Having giant dreams is tremendous, and your dream of success may seem as though it is beyond what you are capable of, but you must believe in the dream. Heart is key for true success.

If you don’t believe that you can attain that success, then why bother? 🤷🏻‍♀️

4. Keep it real(istic)💯

The goals of success and working towards a dream must be set in some basis of reality. Ask yourself, is the success truly achievable? Can it be done? This goes beyond believing, it goes to reality, if your dream is to prove the sky is purple, how realistic is that?

Here’s an example!

A person without any education beyond high school has a dream that they can build a multi-million-dollar company. That’s a huge dream, but it’s believable, it’s happened before.

Now, here’s a bad example.

A man of 95 who suffers with arthritis and asthma has plans to run a marathon in less than three hours. That’s an immense dream, but also an impossible one!


5. Patience⏳

Instant gratification is rarely an element of real success. Real success takes time, and effort and this requires real patience.

6. Head bitch in charge 💁🏻‍♀️

Life can throw all types of circumstances at us. This can leave us feeling victimized by the circumstances or shortcomings that we believe we don’t have the strength to change on our own. This results in people living below their potential.

We look to others that can solve all of our problems for us, but we cannot let our circumstances define us, what we do or who are, we have a lot more power than that.

Bad bitches know that they (not their situations or others) and how they respond are in control in their future.

7. Ask For & Accept Feedback⁉️

Asking for the advice, or constructive  criticism, of others is a BOSS AF way to create and instill accountability.

Whether you’re asking your friend, significant other, mentor, or a colleague for feedback, let them know they’re not going to suffer any payback if they are completely honest with you.

Keep in mind it’s important to determine which feedback is helpful, and which should be disregarded. ♡

8. Fearlessness💃🏻

Taking risks requires courage, and courage is needed to achieve success. Be brave, be bold, and reach for success as if your life depends on it.

9. Hustle💪🏼

You’re certainly not going to succeed by sitting on the couch watching Netflix, so the only way you’re going to succeed is by taking all of those tips above and applying them.

Those who achieve success work for it and you should work towards that success every single day.

10. Decisive AF✅

You are the master of your own life and your dreams, and decisions you make drive your goals, successes, and dreams.

Know what you want.

And what you don’t.

Don’t waste time toiling over decisions.

Be decisive + get shit done!💪🏼


Which of these habits are you putting to werrrrk daily? Which ones can you improve on?🤷🏻‍♀️

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