Bounce back like a baddie in 2020❣️ Tips for surviving covid chaos

💁🏻‍♀️Confession: the corona chaos got everything feeling like a circus shit show lately.

I’ve struggled at times feeling like a failure in both personal and as a result in business. 😩🤦🏻‍♀️

Babe, if you’re struggling now, it’s okay! You can bounce back. ❣️

Pick yourself up, dust that dirt off your shoulders, and let’s get to work!💪🏼

👉🏼Accept the struggle and learn from it Without coming to terms with your struggle, you’re never going to understand the reasons why you struggled. Embracing struggle may sound difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. You just have to remember that struggle is but a necessary step towards success. When you fail to accept your struggle, then you’ll find it difficult to move forward. You’ll get stuck in your comfort zone, and it could be years before you decide to do anything! That’s a lot of time wasted. Instead, you should use your struggle as motivation. Use it to give yourself a healthy dose of reality. Accept struggle for what it is, learn from it, and continue on with your journey.

👉🏼Treat struggle as the cost of learning When you struggle you’re learning something from your own experience. It wasn’t taught to you from a book, you learned your lessons the hard way. When you give your all to your goals or to your dreams, and you struggle, it’s going to be painful. Emotionally, mentally, physically, and maybe even financially painful. But, the good thing is that the lessons you’ve learned from struggle will get drilled into your heart and your mind. The bigger the struggle, the more impact it has on you, and the more you learn out of it. It’s how you deal with that lesson that decides your future. If you decide to put those lessons gleaned from your mistakes to good use, then you could be making better plans towards your goals. If you don’t use what you’ve learned, then chances are, you’re just going to struggle all over again. struggle will teach you a lot about yourself and about your character. Think of struggle as your teacher and you as the student.

👉🏼Prepare yourself for success

You can’t just depend on your passions, you need to have solid skills too. For example, you need to have the ability to communicate, and you need to learn how to delegate jobs to the right people. You’ll know all about the skills you need to upgrade when you analyze your past struggles. This is why learning to accept and make peace with struggle is so important. It helps you assess and figure out the most important skills you’re missing and you should be working on. The point is that when you do struggle, you’ve got to figure out what’s missing, and you need to do what must be done – mastering the required skills to reach your goals and achieve the success you’re working so hard towards! 👉🏼Step out of your comfort zone and take risks “Comfortable” is as good as dead. If you’re not uncomfortable, you’re not growing. Successful people can leave their comfort zones in a heartbeat. They don’t need to think twice. When it’s time to take risks, they’ll jump outside their comfort zones, and do what needs to be done. The people who want to stay in their comfort zones forever are afraid of taking risks. They are afraid of failing, and they would rather live mediocre lives than risk anything. Taking risks doesn’t have to mean jumping off a cliff. Risks come in all shapes and sizes. Start small! Take one risk or step at a time. Get used to “failing”. Over time, you’ll build up the knowledge, strength, and fearlessness to overcome huge risks and failures. It can go either way – you’ll succeed wildly, or you’ll fail. And if you fail, you don’t have to be too worried— remember it only makes you more unstoppable because you can apply those lessons learned and not stumble on them again!

You’ll never run out of people trying to discourage you from chasing your dreams. Many people don’t want other people to have what they can’t. So, they try their best to pull people down with them. If you’ve got people like this in your family, in your circle of friends, even in your workplace, don’t hang out with them. Avoid them if you can. Their negativity and their pessimism will rub off on you, and they will rob you of your dreams if you give them a chance! Sometimes, you’ll hear your inner voice telling you to stop going after your dreams. It’s much harder to not listen to a voice in your head than it is with the people around you. You don’t want to look crazy in front of people, so do your best to ignore that inner voice. One of the best ways you can hush that negative inner voice for good is by believing in yourself. It’s one of the best ways to remove doubt! 💪🏼

Self-belief will help you overcome struggle like no other. When you believe in yourself, you’ll find different methods of motivating and inspiring yourself.💯 You don’t even need to look towards others for inspiration. You just have to look deep inside you, and you’ll find the answers you need.💓 When you start believing in yourself, all the naysayers around you will see the change. You’ll become more confident, you’ll be surer of your plans. Your belief will manifest itself in your physical behavior, and that won’t go unnoticed by those around you.⚡️

When you believe in yourself, other people will start believing in you too. Who knows, you might even influence them to try stepping out of their comfort zones and chase after their own dreams!

So it’s time to BOUNCE BACK BABY GIRL! You’ve fucking got this. 💯

You’ll speed up your success the moment you realize just how powerful your “struggle” is.

Bri LongComment