Make your brand a babe magnet!

Yesterday we chatted about “doing it for the babes” (if ya missed it, no worries click here) but now let’s take it a step further by talking about why you need to shift your focus in your biz to your tribe!

Before you can do it for the babes you need to know who your tribe is! 

Once you can master these things you and your brand will become a babe (and $!) magnet!

❣️ understand their needs

Create a buyer persona by writing down all details of what makes this persona a great representative of your tribe. 

You’ll want to jot down their job title, their personal demographics, their goals and challenges, their values and fears, and so much more! When you have all these details down, then you can easily understand their needs. And you’ll be able to craft content that will fulfill these needs.

❣️ know where they are in the customer journey

Having a sales funnel in place is important for brands of all sizes. Knowing which stage your ideal customer is currently in will help you customize content based on where they are in the funnel. 

Are they still in the Awareness or Consideration stage?

Or are they about to make a Decision? 

Create content based on these stages and lead your persona down your funnel. 

❣️ build a better marketing plan

Without knowing your tribe’s specifics, it would be basically to impossible to develop a marketing plan that caters to serving your tribe. A strategic marketing plan will allow you to attract, serve, and convert your tribe , but you need to know who your tribe is so you can successfully carry out this plan!

It may feel overwhelming at first when you think about it. But what you have to keep in mind is that you can always adjust your plan as you go along. 

The more you show up to serve, the more you’ll know your audience, and you’ll be able to make the perfect marketing plan to draw them into your business!

❣️ target to attract better + more qualified leads

When you’re targeting the right kind of babes, you’ll also be getting better and more qualified leads. Your content is made specifically for them. They are able to relate to your content because it provides a solution to their problems. 

Before ya know it, you’ll have people signing up to be your customer or your client, simply because you were able to address their needs! 

Who is your tribe?

What problems are you helping them solve? 

Tell us in the comments!

Ready to take things to the next level?

Grab my “Bounce Back Like A Bad Bitch” workshop to get your passion back, get clarity on your ideal customer and how you best solve their problems, and make more money while doing it! 
